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Networking Dinner with Citi Bank

Last night a lucky few OxWib members were invited to an exclusive dinner with representatives from Citi Bank. The dinner, held at Bill's, was the perfect opportunity for students - whether curious first years or panicking finalists - to grill representatives from all industries within Citi over a delicious three-course meal. The intimate setting was a welcome change from large corporate presentations and allowed the all-female guest list to ask even the most basic questions about what a career in finance might entail. The lucky diners also got to take away one of Oxford's most coveted possessions - an OxWib mug! Overall the dinner was enjoyed by all. OxWib would like to thank Citi for kindly hosting the Female Dinner. If you're interested in similar opportunities in the future head to and search their 'Events' page for those coming up at the University of Oxford, including a finance panel event on the 17th November (a date to definitely keep free!)

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