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Dame Clara Furse, former Chief Executive of the London Stock Exchange

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of our members! Hopefully, Hilary is going well and that you don’t come down with 5th week blues next week! On Tuesday, OxWIB were delighted to host Dame Clara Furse as part of our inspirational speaker series. Dame Clara has had an incredibly successful career spanning a variety of different roles. As one of Time’s 100 most influential people in the world, Dame Clara is in the perfect position to provide us with advice for the future. However, it was also incredibly inspiring to hear about Dame Clara’s development and experiences on such a personal and relatable level. We hope that everyone who attended found the talk as useful and interesting as we did. If you are looking to develop your skills and understanding, OxWIB are hosting a number of events in the near future which can help you to increase your confidence – including an Interview Skills Workshop with Barclays next Wednesday (18/02). Keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@oxwib) to keep informed!

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