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Interview with the President of CamWIB

As part of her Insight Magazine feature 'Uniting Women in Business', our Head of External Relations, Imogen Duke, interviewed a range of WIB societies around the UK and America. Here she talks to the President of Cambridge Women in Business, Milly.

Hi! Could you briefly introduce yourself?

Hello! I’m Milly, a third year Land Economy student at Cambridge and President of Cambridge Women in Business.

What drove you to join your university’s Women in Business society?

There were a couple of reasons. Firstly, the events: as a fresher coming in, I saw the amazing speakers and topics that we had. One of the first talks I attended was Lady Barbara Judge’s “Little Lessons from a Big Life” interview - that kind of exposure to really senior people was such a unique experience and something I felt incredibly lucky to be involved in. Secondly, when I started at university I definitely struggled with impostor syndrome, and the thought of having to adapt to living alone, studying, as well as start thinking about careers was terrifying and really overwhelming. People started talking about Spring Weeks and LinkedIn, and I just didn’t have the first clue about careers whatsoever, like I had never written a CV. So I went round the freshers’ fair and saw the CamWIB stall, and thought I should join to figure out what I should be doing. It became a safe space where I could figure out what I wanted to do with my career and how to get started.

How would you describe your society in three words?

Supportive. Inspiring. Ambitious.

How has it impacted your university or career journey so far?

It has given me so much confidence, both at university, with applications for Spring Weeks and Internships as well as in everyday life. It’s instilled in me this belief that I’m capable of going after my goals, and has also provided me with the skills needed to achieve these. When I first started, because I didn’t have any industry experience, starting to think about a career felt so overwhelming. But having a network of people that I have been able to talk to and support me has been incredible. I can credit the internship that I just finished at an investment bank to CamWIB: they not only helped with applications and CVs but also the informal advice and mentoring that CamWIB members give to each other was invaluable. Those little pushes and support the whole way through my university experience has been amazing.

Do you have a role model you’ve met through your society who inspires you?

There isn’t one specific role model I’ve met but I think I’ve been inspired by the society as a whole and all of CamWIB’s committee and members. CamWIB has students from all years, which means everyone has unique insights and background. Hearing about the different stories and experiences of our members has been incredibly inspiring.

What’s your best advice for female students just starting at university?

The best piece of advice is to not put too much pressure on yourself and to try everything. Do as much as you possibly can in your first year and figure out what is going to make your time at university enjoyable, without overwhelming yourself with goals like internships or getting a specific grade.

Read the full Insight magazine at


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